Professor Mikhail V. Basin
Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Continuous Finite- and Fixed-Time High-Order Regulators
The contribution of this presentation is twofold. First, an upper estimate of the convergence (settling) time is calculated for the finite-time convergent control algorithm that drives the state of a series of integrators to the origin. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, such an estimate is obtained for the first time. Second, a novel fixed-time continuous control law is proposed for a chain of integrators of an arbitrary dimension. Its fixed-time convergence is established and the uniform upper bound of the settling time is computed. The theoretical developments are applied to a case study of controlling a DC motor.
About Professor Basin
Professor Mikhail V. Basin received his Ph.D. degree in Physical and Mathematical Sciences with major in Automatic Control and System Analysis from the Moscow Aviation University (MAI) in 1992. His work experience includes Senior Scientist position with the Institute of Control Science (Russian Academy of Sciences) in 1992-96, Visiting Professor position with the University of Nevada at Reno in 1996-97, and Full Professor position with the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, from 1998. Starting from 1992, Dr. Basin published more than 100 research papers in international referred journals and more than 150 papers in Proceedings of the leading IEEE and IFAC conferences and symposiums. He is the author of the monograph “New Trends in Optimal Filtering and Control for Polynomial and Time-Delay Systems,” published by Springer. His works are cited more than 2000 times (h index = 28). Dr. Basin has supervised 14 doctoral and 6 master’s theses. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of The Franklin Institute (2010-2013) and serves as the Senior Editor in Control of Journal of The Franklin Institute, a Technical Editor of IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, an Associate Editor of Automatica, IET-Control Theory and Applications, International Journal of Systems Science, and other journals, as a session chairman at a series of the leading IEEE and IFAC conferences, and as a reviewer for a number of leading international journals and conferences in the area of automatic control. Dr. Basin serves as a member the IEEE Control System Society Technical Committees on Intelligent Control and Variable Structure and Sliding Mode Control and the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Technical Committees on Data-Driven Control and Monitoring and Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Program Committee member of IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 2008, IEEE Conferences on Control Applications 2009, 2012, IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 2013, IEEE Workshops on Variable Structure Systems 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, World Automation Congress 2012, Mexican Automatic Control Conferences 2006, 2008, 2011, Latin American Automatic Control Conference 2014. Dr. Basin was awarded a title of Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson Reuters (International Science Institute), the publisher of Science Citation Index, in 2009; he is a Senior Member of the IEEE Control Systems Society and a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences. His research interests include optimal filtering and control problems, stochastic systems, time-delay systems, identification, sliding mode control and variable structure systems.
Professor Luís Kun
Washington, DC USA
Transforming Healthcare through Interoperability
For over 40 years researchers have written about applying computer technologies to improve daily medical care, and in the past decade, the goal of using genomic data to truly personalize care has been woven into those concepts. Since 2004, the US has focused on creating a complete personal health record for each citizen by 2015, and great strides have been made in developing the technical standards to allow near-real-time health data acquisition either directly from medical devices, health practitioners, caregivers, and/or patients themselves. In this period government and private agencies have also been separately collecting and organizing vast quantities of scientific data regarding agriculture, society, and many other facets of science the environment we live in. It has become clear that many illnesses and injuries are directly caused or are significantly influenced by the environment. Further, as human lifetimes are extended around the globe; environmental factors simply have more years’ damage to human health and wellness. The cost of treating illnesses and injuries in the US is rapidly approaching 20% GDP, and other countries are experiencing significant medical cost increases as well. These increases have far outstripped other industries, and are made worse by the growing percentages of elder citizens. Older populations also shift the cost and burden of healthcare onto a decreasing percentage of young and health workers, too. Not only are the costs unsustainable, but the escalation of human suffering for old and young alike is unacceptable and unnecessary.
Ultimately, scientists, engineers, and information specialists will have to work to “engineer health and wellness INTO each person’s life” as consistently and as effectively as possible, because that is simply more efficient, effective, affordable, and ethical than treating the symptoms of illnesses and injuries. Health and wellness is not a “one size fits all” process, however. Our genetic makeup and our lifelong history of nutrition, exercise, education, illnesses and injuries all interact with the environment in very complex ways. Over many centuries of evolution, humans have adapted to widely different chemical, climactic, nutritional, and other challenges. The ideal sustenance for health and wellness of each person and community can be considerably different through seasonal, regional, social, and other changes. Matching health and wellness solutions to each person’s current and projected needs will require integrating vast amounts of sometimes dissimilar information, careful and thoughtful analysis of these data warehouses, and skillful interpretation and application of that data to meet each person’s actual needs.
About Professor Kun
Professor Luis Kun was a Professor of National Security Affairs at the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (2011-2015) at the National Defense University, where the prior 8 years he was the Senior Research Professor of Homeland Security at the i-College. He is Editor in Chief of Springer’s Journal of Health and Technology. He graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy in Uruguay and holds a BSEE; MSEE and Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering all from UCLA. He spent 14 years at IBM, where he developed the first six clinical applications for the IBM PC; was one of the pioneers on bedside terminals for Intensive Care; and a developer of a semi-expert, real-time, clinical decision support system: PC/PATSS. He was also the technical manager of the Nursing Point of Care System at IBM. Dr. Kun was the biomedical engineer in the team of four that developed the first Teleradiology system and the first Picture Archival and Communications Systems to run on an IBM platform. Later he was Director of Medical Systems Technology and Strategic Planning at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in LA. As the Senior IT Advisor to the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (AHCPR) he formulated the IT vision and was the lead staff for HPCC program and Telehealth. He co-authored the Reports to the Congress on Telemedicine (1997) and on HIPAA Security. In July of 1997, he was invited speaker to the White House. He was largely responsible for the Telemedicine portion of the bill that became part of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997. Dr. Kun represented the DHHS Secretary at a Pan American Forum of Health Care Ministers on Telecommunications and the Health Care Industry in Mexico in 1997. As a Distinguished Fellow at the CDC (1999-2001) he was the Senior Computer Scientist for the Health Alert Network for Bioterrorism and later the Acting Chief Information Technology Officer for the National Immunization Program (NIP) where he formulated their IT vision on 10/2000. Luis Kun is the founding chair of the IEEE-USA Electronic Health Record and High Performance Computers and Communications WG; and the Bioterrorism / Homeland Security WG, and the Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee. A Fellow of the IEEE and the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Kun received AIMBE’s first-ever Fellow Advocate Award in 2009. His IEEE-USA Citation of Honor Award reads, “For exemplary contributions in the inception and implementation of a health care IT vision in the US.” He sits in many professional and journal Boards including the IFMBE where he chairs the Global Citizen Safety and Security WG. Universidad Favaloro from Buenos Aires, Argentina named him “Profesor Honoris Causa” on December 2009. In 2011 he received the Golden Core Member Award by the IEEE Computer Society. He was named “Visitante Distinguido” by the City of Puebla, Mexico on September 4, 2013.
Dr. Guilllermo Bautista Alderete
Manager of Market Analysis
California Independent System Operator (CAISO)
Renewable Energy Integration into the Power Market.
Until the last decade, power systems were predominantly expanded using conventional fuel resources, namely gas and coal with the inclusion of hydro resources. From an operational perspective , the mix of resource technologies provided a relatively simple approach since it simply required the consideration of resources characteristics and constraints such as start-up/shutdown times, minimum operating times, ramps. Fuel constraints were not generally an issue, except for the hydro resources. Hydro resources however, could be managed with medium and longer-term planning horizon to tackle the nature of water availability. The integration of renewable resources, namely wind and solar, gives another dimension to the operation of power systems due to their inherent variability. When this is compounded with a market environment, the challenges of properly addressing the integration of renewable through economical drivers poses great challenges. From a market perspective, the challenges vary from generation forecasting, economical bidding, price signals to respond to dispatches and curtailment of generation. From an operational perspective, the challenges introduced to the system include the magnified ramps imposed to the system due to the generation variability, the deviations from expected generation instructions and potential oversupply conditions.
This presentation will provide a glance about the challenges to integrate renewables into a market-driven power system and the market design efforts carried out by the California ISO to incentive the economical participation of renewable resources, as well as the enhancements being developed to the market to allow to internalize the variability of renewable generation.
About Dr. Bautista
Guillermo received a Ph. D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada). His research was on Electricity Market in the areas of Congestion Management and Financial Rights, and screening and mitigation of Market Power. Afterwards, he was a Post-doctoral fellow and then a faculty member in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo, where he taught Managerial and Engineering Economics and did research in Operations Researchs applied to Electricity Markets. Then he became Adjunt Professor at the University of Waterloo in the Department of Management Sciences when he joined the CAISO.
Guillermo has been working at CAISO since 2007 in the groups of Market Performance and Congestion Revenue Rights. He has worked on the analysis of the various CAISO markets, on development and implementation of the market performance metrics of the new CAISO’s markets, and also on the development and implementation of policies for CRRs. Then he worked in the Techynology Division testing the software application of the day-ahead, real-time and CRR markets, and providing market support in the control room. Currently he is the Manager of Market Validation and Quality Analsysis, where he is in charge of the group that validates the correctness of the market outcomes and carry out root-cause analysis. He is a member of the IEEE and of INFORMS. He serves as Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems and also as a reviewer for the journals IEEE Transactions on Power systems, IET Gen and Trans Proceeding, Electric Power Research. He is also a member of the Subcommitte of Economics (PES). Dr. Bautista is the author of numerous papers about electricity markets and has presented his work in different forums throughout the world. He is the author of the book “Competition in Electricity Markets: Modelling and Economics” (2010), and also author of one chaper in the book of Financial Transmission Rights (2013).
Profesor Claudio R. Fuerte Esquivel
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Challenges in Integrating Renewable Energy into an Electric Power System
The Non-Conventional Renewable Energy (NCRE) Sources are now an important portion of generation portfolios of electric power systems. Penetration of these sources is increasing every year and it is projected that 20-30% of worldwide electricity demand would be supported by renewable sources by 2020. While this means less pollution and less dependability on fossil fuels, integration of renewable sources makes the already complex task of achieving system controllability even more demanding. Consequently, the operation challenges that large-scale integration of NCRE sources will cause on the electric network are very important matters that require special attention when planning and operating an electrical power system. In this talk, an overview of the main challenges in integrating renewable technologies in terms of operational flexibility will be discussed.
About Professor Fuerte
Dr. Claudio Rubén Fuerte Esquivel is a full-time professor of Electrical Engineering at the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Morelia, México since 2001. Dr. Fuerte received the B.Sc. in Industrial Electrical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Morelia, México, in 1990, the M.Sc. (Summa Cum Laude) degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Polytechnic Institute, México, in 1993, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical Engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scotland, in 1997. His research activities focus on the study of operational flexibility of electric power systems where he has lead or been integral part of several projects and contracts with government agencies and companies, as well in this year Dr. Fuerte has attracted around $2.1MD in external funding for research activities. His collaboration with industry and university researchers in México and abroad, as well as his supervising/co-supervising of many graduate students, have given place to a large number of research papers published in referred journals and conference proceedings, the book “FACTS: Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks”, John Wiley and Sons, 2004, which was translated into Chinese in 2011, and book chapters. Dr. Fuerte has also been invited to make keynote speeches and presentations at many scientific forums. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Science and a senior member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society.
Dr. Humberto Sossa
Centro de Investigación en Computación del I.P.N.
Service Robotics and Spatial Robotics: Two opportunity areas for Mexico.
Two areas of Robotics that in the last years have awakened a great interest among academia, government and industry are Service Robotics and Space Robotics. These two fields have served as platforms to foster basic research, technological development as well as the economy of many countries such as Japan, United States, Germany, Switzerland, China, among others. In this talk I argument why Service Robotics and Space Robotics are two areas of great importance for Mexico and how these two areas can become two motors to impulse, among others, our economy and the social wellness of habitants.
About Dr. Sossa
Dr. Juan Humberto Sossa Azuela is an Engineer in Communications and Electronics from the Universidad de Guadalajara in 1981. He obtained a Master in Science degree with the speciality in Electrical Engineering from the Research and Advanced Studies Centre of the IPN in 1987 and a Ph.D. from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble, France in 1992. Dr. Sossa is nowadays Head of Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory of Research Centre in Computer Science of the IPN. He is a member of the National System of Researchers, level 3, member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences since 1997. He is Senior member of the IEEE, and member of ACM, INNS, AIM, among others. He is co-founder of the Mexican Academy of Computation. He has authored three books and more than 300 journal, chapter and conferences papers. He is a recipient of several prizes, among them the IPN Research Prize in 1997, 1999, 2005 and 2008, the IPN Research Diploma in 2000, the Lázaro Cárdenas Prize in the category of researcher in 2001, the Honorific Academic Award “Enrique Díaz de León” from the University of Guadalajara in 2008 and the Engineering Prize from the City Mexico in 2011. His research interest are in image analysis, pattern recognition, neural networks and modelling and control of robots.
University of Maryland
Reading News with Maps by Exploiting Spatial Synonyms
NewsStand is an example application of a general framework to enable people to search for information using a map query interface, where the information results from monitoring the output of over 10,000 RSS news sources and is available for retrieval within minutes of publication. The advantage of doing so is that a map, coupled with an ability to vary the zoom level at which it is viewed, provides an inherent granularity to the search process that facilitates an approximate search. This distinguishes it from today’s prevalent keyword-based conventional search methods that provide a very limited facility for approximate searches and which are realized primarily by permitting a match via use of a subset of the keywords. However, it is often the case that users do not have a firm grasp of which keyword to use, and thus would welcome the search to also take synonyms into account. For queries to spatially referenced data, the map query interface is a step in this direction as the act of pointing at a location (e.g., by the appropriate positioning of a pointing device) and making the interpretation of the precision of this positioning specification dependent on the zoom level is equivalent to permitting the use of spatial synonyms (i.e., letting spatial proximity play a role rather than only seeking an exact match of a query string). Of course, this is all predicated on the use of a textual specification of locations rather than a geometric one, which means that one must deal with the potential for ambiguity.
The issues that arise in the design of a system like NewsStand, including the identification of words that correspond to geographic locations, are discussed, and examples are provided of its utility. More details can be found in the video at which accompanies the “cover article” of the October 2014 issue of the Communications of the ACM about NewsStand which can be found at
About Professor Samet
Hanan Samet ( is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park and is a member of the Institute for Computer Studies. He is also a member of the Computer Vision Laboratory at the Center for Automation Research where he leads a number of research projects on the use of hierarchical data structures for database applications, geographic information systems, computer graphics, computer vision, image processing, games, robotics, and search. He received the B.S. degree in engineering from UCLA, and the M.S. Degree in operations research and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in computer science from Stanford University under the supervision of Turing Award winner Dr. Vinton G. Cerf. His doctoral dissertation dealt with proving the correctness of translations of LISP programs which was the first work in translation validation and the related concept of proof-carrying code. He is the author of the recent book “Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures” (